Monday, September 6, 2010

Nearly awake

Decided to spend the day together yesterday, which is pretty unusual for us. Began with a leisurely breaky in the apt, followed by lunch at Cafe Parisian around the ocrner- fab salads...
Then off to hunt down the exhibit- "Photos of Famous People's Dogs" at the Museum of Hunting and Nature. Believe me, it was a spot neither of us would ever have visited without the seductive show of portraits of pooches. Bizarre and amazing (pix to come) and then off to read in the park and ice cream along the Seine. (Sense a trend here?)
We did split for a little while before the evening's events. I plopped down with my fascinating book on the events in Paris during May, 1968, but mainly watched the kiddies play. They were all unselfconscious and soooo fun. One girl rode two razors at once. A couple of groups of boys played soccer with assorted sized balls (no double entendre here) and one girl played soccer by herself and was totally amazing, until she got tired of that and started bouncing a tennis ball on her raquet.
Then off to the movies to see an old fave, "Love in the Afternoon" (with Chevalier and Audrey Hepburn), at one of the classics houses. Parisians are CRAZY about movies, and the theater (2 screens) was packed. The other moive was "Mr. Deeds Goes to Town" with Gary Cooper. Now the weird thing about these movie houses is that they let the people in for one film in before they start letting the people in for the other. Drove me nuts that all those late comers got in before I did... but that was to the other film.
We walked down the street our Brasserie for the night. The minute we walked in, the maitre d said to me, "An english menu for the lady?" How did he know? How did he know? The meal was good, not great, but the atmosphere was fine. It was Sartre and Camus' old hangout near the Sorbonne.
Walked home and pretty much collapsed.
This blog is mostly for my own memory, but welcome to it.

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