Friday, September 10, 2010

Sun again

Yesterday. Quiet day here spent, for the most part, just reading and eating and napping. My jeans are getting quite snug. The new ones....
I started off the day laundering. Fortunately, this apartment has a washer and that part of the process went swimmingly (so to speak). At the sound of the buzzer, I opened the door to find damp clothes, (It was supposed to be a combo machine) and popped it shut, then tried to figure out how to use the drier without re-washing the whole load. Un-doable, apparently. But- voila- I couldn't re-open the washer. Tug, tug, reset, try again. D arrived on his white (french-speaking) horse, and couldn't figure out how to do it either. After 10 minutes of methodically trying buttons, etc., he finally succeeded. We hung the clothes on the outdoor clothes rack. They were so lovely dry when the rains came....
Took the metro out west to the Impressionist/Monet museum D liked so much last year, and had lunch at a little duck joint. I had duck and tatties. And an amazing mousse (choco) for dessert. The museum was fine for me. Had an exhibit on Monet's influence on the abstract painters of the 20th c. D, being a purist, went apoplectic. "How could they put these beautiful works of art next to these, these...#$%^&!!!!???"
To calm down, he went to see Hitchcock's "Suspicion" at the movies whilst I went home for a nap.
Then off to see a sneak preview of "The Town" with Ben Afflack and John Hamm. Got to the monstrous Les Halles. They were sold out. This was the only showing until next week (hence the term sneak preview), so I took a couple of shots of my fave statue, (see above), L'Ecoute, and we found another restaurant down a side street where I had the house cassoulet and D a little salad and cheese. We have both sworn off the scale when we get home for at least a week....
I used to fool myself by saying that with all the walking I do, I shouldn't gain weight on a trip. I now know better. It isn't necessary to go to the gym to lose weight. It all depends on what you shove in, more than how much you work out. Of course the downside of that is that when you wander a foodie paradise such as this...
Today appears to be gorgeous. I was on fetch duty this AM to get the fruit and bread for breaky. It was even a tiny bit chilly...
More as life progresses...

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